Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Bulky knitting machine

Quick post to share a sample of a scarf made on my new to me Brother 260 machine. 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Vogue 8112 and Burda Style 120/7/2007

I needed a dress with pink for a wedding, but I don't wear pink.  So, I conferenced with my trusty sewing advisor and came up with this combo. I had decided on the Cirque dress by Marcy Tilton.   My local fabric store, Heddy's Fabrics, had this tan lace fabric with metallic highlights.  The fiber content is cotton/nylon.  But where is the pink?  I bought bright fuchsia rayon challis and incorporated it into the ensemble.  I lined the collar with the rayon and made an underdress/slip of the rayon.  The pink shows through the holes of the lace but isn't overpowering.  I like it!